Enable selecting multiple projects/portfolios in a portfolio

When editing tasks it’s really efficient to select a bunch of tasks and apply a specific change, like changing a custom field.

It would be great if this would also work for projects and portfolios in a portfolio.


Agree! With the new Portfolios layout, this makes total sense - hopefully something coming soon :pray:


Also hoping that the same would apply to portfolios within portfolios.


Yeah that makes total sense. Edited. Don’t forget to vote. :wink:


Was scratching my head as I knew I could do batch updating of tasks but couldn’t figure out how to do batch updating with Projects. Right now I’m going through over a hundred projects trying to update about 10 different fields on each for our new standard and it is annoying. :stuck_out_tongue:

wondering if there’s any news on this! updating projects 1:1 is very sluggish. off the top of my head, would make sense to be able to select multiple projects and…

  1. update project fields for those selected
  2. add selected projects to another portfolio
  3. remove selected projects from current portfolio
  4. delete selected projects

Also, can this also be enabled for searches as well. So I can search for all projects by a certain aspect and add them to a portfolio, or mass update them by different aspects.