E-mail a specific task

Is there a way to e-mail a specific task directly? I would love to be able to update a task via e-mail, mostly so that I can CC that e-mail in messages to other parties and have their responses automatically captured in Asana. Today I find myself cutting and pasting responses, but there must be a better way.


Is this a possibility if you use Outlook. New Features in the Asana Outlook Integration

Hey @Anthony_McCloskey, Michael from Asana here.

This is a great question! You can email a specific Task however the process is a little different from email your Tasks to your"My Tasks" or a Project.

In order to email a Task you must have the email “From Asana” activity box :heavy_check_mark: checked. Instructions for this are available at available at the link here. I’ve included a screenshot of this below as well.

Once you receive an email from the Task in question, all you need to do is reply to this notification email. When you reply to this email it will appear as a comment in the Task.

I do want to note that you will need to edit your emails to remove your signature (unless you wish to keep it & have it show in your comments). This also means you’ll need to remove any graphics you keep in your signature before relying, or else it will appear as an attachment to your Task.

Hope this helps clarify a few things!

Let me know if you have any additional questions Anthony.

Awesome! Thank you!!!

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My pleasure Anthony!