Due in 0 days not showing what's due today anymore

Exact same issue… Search Criteria Change.

I contacted support and here’s the response thus far:
Thanks for reaching out to us.

You are absolutely correct, we did make a change to our Advanced Search functionality, so this behavior is intentional. Showing overdue tasks within “Due In Next 1 Days” search was not intentional, which was now fixed.

Having said that, are still looking into the advantages/disadvantages of this and really appreciate you reaching out with feedback.

As a workaround for overdue tasks, you could use Due Date within the Last X days (which can be up to 100 months). Although this would not show both, overdue and due within one day, you would have a way to search for your overdue tasks.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or input. As already mentioned, your feedback is very valuable for us.

Have a great day Richard!