Does your org have a default My Tasks setup in Asana?

Hi @Chels ! Really happy to know you’re finding value in Wavelength!

A few thoughts on your question. First, I think a balance is important when we think about a default view for everyone. I think the beauty of Asana is that I can organize my side bar and my My Tasks in a unique way that totally works for how I approach my work. I remember using project management systems in the past where I was required to look at things in a certain way and being put in that box made me far less productive. However, the converse can be true, where extreme differences in how people use Asana could lead to wires being crossed.

An effective solution may be to allow people to generally organize workflows and title projects according to a particular company-wide system, while allowing them to organize their side bars and My Tasks in their own unique way. Or you might keep everyone to the same side bar system and allow them to organize My Tasks in the way that will make them most productive.

Regarding the best kind of view, it really depends on what you’re looking for. Could you elaborate on what you’re trying to achieve with this default view and if you’re trying to view projects, tasks, etc.?

Here are some options for you that give you viewing flexibility:

  • Advanced search views
  • Side Bar
    ** See how I organize my side bar in the image below
  • Project Views
    ** Dashboard
    ** Calendar
    ** List
    ** Project about projects: create a project that acts as a table of contents for all your team’s projects. Each task is a project name and the task description is a link to the project.

Start by looking at these articles in the guide as a jumping off point:

Happy to answer follow up questions! And looking forward to learning others’ philosophies on default views. :slight_smile:

My side bar:

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