Difference between my tasks and to do list?

What’s the difference between and My Tasks and My To Do List? They have totally different things on them and I’m not sure which one captures which tasks…

Welcome, @Sarah_Eisner,

My Tasks is an Asana-provided feature (and an important one) and appears in your left sidebar.

My To Do List is not. Maybe it’s a project someone in your organization created and you have access to? It’s not a standard feature of Asana.

Hope that helps,


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Very often I see people creating a project for themselves to host tasks assigned to them. I believe it is usually a bad idea and My Tasks should be used primarily :slight_smile:

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Yes you are right @Bastien_Siebman
Many in our team actually used to do this also to better organize their tasks within various columns.

  • The coordinator always got access to their dashboard to monitor and ensure all tasks are added to the right project as well.
    Because one of the struggles we faced in the past is that many team members only added the task under ‚my task‘ and no company project, meaning the task was kind of non existent to monitor by the coordinators.
    Now with all the improvements on the my task feature we will be changing things a bit.
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@Bastien_Siebman and @Andrea_Mayer,

I also find users set up a project for their tasks in addition to / instead of My Tasks and discourage it unless they have a good reason (sometimes) due to deficiencies in My Tasks still.

But this was not the case with Sarah here–she didn’t even know what the project was, so either someone else set this up and told her to use it without explaining, or she once set it up and forgot, perhaps.

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