Please add this!!! Would make life so much better!
+1 would love this feature!!
I’ve been out of Asana for a couple of years now. I’m disappointed that we still don’t have the ability to set a default view where subtasks are expanded.
OMG!!! I switch amongst several projects all day long and THERE IS NO WAY TO SAVE THE VIEW WITH ALL TASKS EXPANDED??? So every time I switch projects, I have to click on 50+ little triangles AGAIN? and then a few minutes later, do it AGAIN? Multiple times every day??? I will attribute my hastening decent into madness to this.
No need to scream Mike
this indeed isn’t a feature yet, we don’t know if it ever will be.
I have a strong opinion on this one: I don’t want this feature to ever exist. People have been using subtasks way too much, and this would only encourage them to do so. A project where all tasks are expanded would be a nightmare in my opinion. It would hurt clarity a lot.
I would love this feature - but I want to choose to save the view. Meaning I have tasks where I want to see the subtasks and tasks where I do not want to see the subtasks.
If I can open the ones I want and than save the view - that would be amazing.
+1 for my vote
I would also like to raise my support for this feature, especially as it also would allow to mass-update several sub-tasks all at once (e.g., to reassign them to someone else).
Every time I go into a project, List View defaults to everything collapsed. I then have to go and individually click each triangle to expand and actually see the schedule. It appears there is no “expand all” feature.
To work around this, I tried to find a way to save the List View with everything expanded. Below is what I found in my search and my result trying to implement each one:
“Save View” to the right of Options: this saves the selected filters, but does not save the expansion of tasks.
“Save Layout as Default” in the dropdown next to the project name: does not exist in the dropdown on my screen.
“Save Default” on a “…” menu next to the view tab: that “…” menu doesn’t exist on my screen for any views.
I’ve also seen posts as recently as Nov 2024 that this option does not exist.
Can anyone shed light on this? Surely a product this advanced isn’t going to force me to individually click 100+ triangles one at a time every time I change screens? What am I missing? Are there add-ons needed to be able to save the view expanded? Or settings I need to change? Or settings the admin needs to change?
Hi @Mike_Shkolnik, welcome to the Forum!
Unfortunately this feature does not yet exist. The best we can do is add our vote to this post and hope they consider it soon!
You can also check out this option from @Bryan_TeamKickstart.
Hi @Mike_Shkolnik, I’ve moved your thread into this existing one which you can also vote on (scroll to the top of the thread and click on the purple Vote button).
You can also vote on the thread that @Jeremy_Long also linked but I think this one is more inline with what you are seeking to achieve.
Thanks for the suggestion of Supersana. Unfortunately, that appears to be for Chrome only and I am on Firefox. Unlikely I could convince the powers that be to allow an unknown browser extension anyway. Also, I prefer to use the Asana app.
Pretty hard to believe Asana got this far without such a basic feature. I ran two software acquisition projects to acquire project scheduling software and this hindrance would have disqualified Asana. I’m pretty sure Microsoft Project could do this back in the 90s. Maybe even the 80s when it ran on MSDOS. Yes, I am old and have seen many project scheduling software products and none were missing this basic feature. Until now. In the year 2025. DEVO was right…
4+ Years of requests on this feature, and 3rd parties creating (paid!) plug ins to help solve the problem…this should be a clear indication that people want this feature Asana team. Any idea why it hasn’t been prioritized? Seems like such a simple UI addition, based completely on feature/s that already exist - this should be an easy add, right??? Please help us…make it happen!
This would be highly beneficial to allow subtasks to be expanded in all types of views (list, timeline etc) We have end users in our company requesting this feature in order to use asana instead of another tool. Please help asana team! Much appreciated
please add this feature
Add me to the list of people who REALLY want to see this feature added!