"Ctrl + Click-and-Drag" to quickly add Dependencies in List View


Rather than having to open each task to add dependencies in the list view, I would love to be able to use a “Ctrl + Click-and-Drag” to quickly add a dependency. I know that the Timeline view has a similar feature, but as a project manager I find that my teams prefer to stay on the List view when discussing dependencies on projects with a combo of long and short steps, because things quickly get off the screen in Timeline view.

I could see the feature working like this:

  • As I hold ctrl and click while dragging the mouse, an arrow follows my mouse from the task I clicked on.
  • As I hover over other tasks, the task row changes color to note which task will block the one I first clicked on (Intuitively, I think the feature works best to have the arrow point to the BLOCKING task, not the BLOCKED task).
  • Once clicked, a popup appears in a corner noting that the dependency has been added to the task.
  • When clicking on a task that already has something blocking it, either:
    — A separate arrow will appear showing the current dependcy(ies)
    — The row of the blocking task will be highlighted a different color automatically

Happy to hear people’s thoughts on this.