Creating a new project from Templates

When creating a project from a custom built template, is there anyone who builds the template and then thinks:
Oh, I did not need this custom field is here, oh, I did not need this workflow, Oh this rule is fantastic, glad it is there, and so on?

My issue is, when building a project from a template, I think it will e extremely helpful to be able to see the building blocks of the template right at the first step from choosing the template.

This will be very handy especially for those who are not very proficient in asana yet.
I would like to see for example:

  1. would you like to add all members from the template
  2. this template includes 3 customer fields: a, b and c
  3. this template has all due dates and dependencies set for a duration of the project (3 months) - this feature is partially there on step 2 of the project creation page
  4. Rules of agile or routing are built within the template, would you like to carry them over?
    and the list goes on…

Any thoughts?


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I think this is an excellent idea!



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I also think this is a great idea! @Rashad_Issa you should get a post made on the Product Feedback board so we can all go vote for it! If you already created a post for this topic, please link it here so I can go vote for it!

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I just moved this to Product Feedback (and voted for it!).


Thank you guys @Matt_Dickinson & @Phil_Seeman

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