Crash when pasting a block of text into Description Field

Bug Description:
My intention is to add a block of text into the description for developers to reference when working on a story. The app hangs and tells me to reload, forgetting the update. Reducing the size of the pasted item seems to have no effect.
Reproduced multiple times after full reload (same day)
Using latest Chrome.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. In an existing project, with Board view, start a new task
  2. select the Description field and enter a couple blank lines
  3. Paste a block of additional description (see example below)
  4. Observe
    If there is a problem with input strings, size, etc. a warning helps the user fix the problem
    Result: Server Crash leaves the client app in a confused state which feels catastrophic to the user
    Browser version:
    Chrome Version 79.0.3945.117 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Browser Console Message:
/app/asana/-/socket?session_id=1157983351688843&sync_cluster=prod&release_id=20200117_215221_c4dfcfdd46f7fa27acf484dfb100586bfe52a919&shard_id=4697039612972&count=35&user_id=1130954279181995:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
/app/asana/-/socket?session_id=1157983351688843&sync_cluster=prod&release_id=20200117_215221_c4dfcfdd46f7fa27acf484dfb100586bfe52a919&shard_id=4697039612972&count=37&user_id=1130954279181995&sync_errors=2:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
/app/asana/-/socket?session_id=1157983351688843&sync_cluster=prod&release_id=20200117_215221_c4dfcfdd46f7fa27acf484dfb100586bfe52a919&shard_id=4697039612972&count=39&user_id=1130954279181995&sync_errors=4:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
bundle.js:2 Uncaught Error: “Killing session because: Server crashed while syncing (unrecoverable error)”
Object (o47452)
time_since_first_error_ms: (47453)
num_consecutive_server_crashes: (47454)
num_unrecoverable_server_crashes: (47455)
at bundle.js:2
at n (bundle.js:2)
at ap (bundle.js:2)
at e. (bundle.js:2)
at e.n [as _crashClient] (bundle.js:2)
at e._maybeCrashClientForServerError (bundle.js:2)
at e._onSyncError (bundle.js:2)
at Object.onError (bundle.js:2)
at bundle.js:2
at bundle.js:2
at s. (bundle.js:2)
at bundle.js:2
at s.runWithExceptionInfo (bundle.js:2)
at s (bundle.js:2)
at XMLHttpRequest.e.onreadystatechange (bundle.js:2)

| Field API Name | Label | Type | Value | Form Visibility |
| Ability_to_give__c | Ability to Give | picklist (255) | 0 |
| Ability_To_Give_Hidden__c | Ability To Give Hidden | double (18, 0)* | 0 |

HI @Pete_S and welcome to the Forum!

Sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve tried to reproduce this on my end and it seems to work fine for me. Would you mind trying to reproduce this on a different browser and/or incognito window to see if the issue persists? If yes, would you mind DM me a screencast or GIF so I can escalate your feedback to the Development Team?

Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!

Support for markdown or some other format control would be a kindness… did I miss an option?

TypeError: l is undefinedbundle.js:2:385583

_initListeners [](

ze [](

vn [](

_initListeners [](

on [](

Having the same issue. I keep getting messages to “contact support”, but for every one I end up on the same page which does not offer a way to “contact you with the following unique phrase”. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING!