Converstion Ratios

Dara Asana Masters,

We have set up a nice sales funnel for our Leads in an Asana Project. :heart::muscle:

Our stages (sections in Kanban) are Smart Call (10 min) » VIP Call (45 min) » YES (Customers) or NO (Non-Customers), etc… When a Lead books a call it creates a Task in the Smart Call section, and then we move ahead the Tasks (=People) from section to section as we go along the funnel. My question is, how can we generate conversion rates in Asana to see how good our sales reps are in a given week? The most important would be to know and see visually what is the Conversion Rate (Customers / VIP Calls) and the Vip Call % (Smart Call / Vip Call Ratio).

What are your best practices and how can we do this in Asana? Any help would be much appreciated. :wink::pray: Thank you very much in advance!

HI @Tamas_Mozes Apologies for the year long reply!

Hopefully you have found as solution but if you haven’t you can use the reporting dashboards and filter by time period to see Task per Yes or No and filter by assignee ?

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