New: multi-sort, multi-filter and reverse sort on List and Board views!

I’m enjoying the new features but want to give feedback that both @Paul_Grobler and I had (@Marie, perhaps you could pass along to the product team?):

While Filter and Sort are shared by both List and Board views, Show Fields is unique to each of the two views. Given that all three controls are side-by-side, it’s not apparent (and is in fact confusing) whether you’re making a setting that applies to just the current view you’re seeing or also the other view as well.

The request is to disambiguate this. There are likely many solutions that could work that perhaps Asana designers have already considered. One approach could be to include a header line at the top of the Show fields menu that would say “For List view:” when you open the menu while in List view, and “For Board view:” when opening the menu in Board view.


See also related feature post: Project views can now be used to manage different aspects of your projects!

Thanks for considering,
