Column notification


Is there a way to receive notifications when a task is moved to a specific column?

Hi @amir1 and welcome to the Community Forum :wave:t3:

Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment, but I have moves your post to the #productfeedback category to allow you and other users to vote for this feature request!

Hi Marie

That sounds great.

Thanks for your quick response.


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I’d love to see this, especially if I could set rules about who is notified of which column updates.

For example, say I have a “Marketing” column. The Marketing folks could be added as “collaborators” to that column (not individual tasks) and be notified whenever something new is dropped into that column.

This would be a good safety check, as my brain won’t always remember to add those people as collaborators manually.

Related: Notify member when task is added to his/her column in a projet

FYI this can be easily done with Flowsana’s recent e-mail notifications enhancement to its If-Then Rules capability:

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