Collaborative document editing

Currently I handle the open/edit functionality by pasting the link to the document in question in the Asana task description. Using the links in task descriptions is what allowed me to get our team away from what used to be my biggest pain point when we first started using Asana: Thinking it could be a document review management tool. People were writing documents in the task description and then people were stomping all over their changes, or they’d upload word documents to a task and everyone would download them for review and edits creating a mess of copies and versions, etc. Now if I see a word doc attached to an Asana task, I upload it to sharepoint, delete the document, and put the link back in.

It sounds like we may be looking for slightly different things. It sounds like you’re just wanting the documents to be more holistically integrated with Asana. For myself, I wouldn’t mind some quality of life things that allow my document links to be managed (I’ve voted for some other suggestions to all Tasks to have a links section) as well as pull a thumbnail or something into the task like attaching an image does. This is a task I’ve voted for:

Thanks for explaining more, I hope I haven’t distracted you too much.