Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Steps to reproduce:
- create a chart inside project dashboard → Number / Task count / Tasks not in a section
The chart says 3, the filtered view after click through says 2
Browser version: latest Chrome
Upload screenshots below:

@Rebecca_McGrath this is the bug I mentioned during our last call.
Thanks for flagging this @Bastien_Siebman! I’ve gone ahead and raised this internally. I’ll keep you posted 
Hi @Bastien_Siebman
I have an update for you 
This is likely because of subtasks and should be resolved within the next month as further upadtes are made to Universal reporting. A workaround, for the time being, is to click “Refine search” when possible and switch “Not subtasks” to “Any”.
I’ll keep you in the loop when this is fixed 
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