Best workflow for subtasks to staff

Hi Folks

Service company here, basically see us as electricians!

If i create a job “Job 1” i’ve currently been assigning it to a member of staff and then i have a rule set up that drops that task into another project “Staff Task List” and then drops it into the appropriate list within that project i.e. whichever member the task has been assigned, so “engineer A”.

The problem i have just considered is, we may have different people, attending “Job 1” on different days. So i would have to assign multiple people to the job or constantly change who the job is assigned for.

I assume this is where subtasks come into the equation.

So i could assign every project to “Manager A” then assign each subtask to “Engineer A” or “Engineer B”.

Is it possible to add dates for subtasks?

So i suppose the Data Flow would go:

[My Tasks]
Create new task > Assign to “Manager A”
Manager adds sub task “Attend site to measure room” > assign sub task to Engineer A
Assign date to subtask

Custom Rule assigns sub task to:
[Staff Task List}
Date shows on staff google calendar

Engineer A assigns notes, images to the project and assigns sub task as complete

So ive been playing with this most of the day and i cant get it to work as i want.

Basically, when i create the subtask, i want it to create a new entry under my staff members name on a project.

Hello @Max_Middleton, yes you can use rules to automatically add subtasks with info and due date, for more info see here.
Subtasks can be added to the project via rules like @lpb explained in the comment below.
Subtasks also show up in the relevant team members My Task list. And you can see subtasks in timeline view as well.

Now I‘d probably set it up slightly different:
One project per Job site and then utilizing project and task templates and rules.
I‘d use sections as stages to be done and create tasks with dependencies, etc.

Then you could use Asana reporting to create graphs giving you a visual overview if needed.

And you can use Asana Workload as well: Asana Workload - Manage Team Capacity and Rebalance Work • Asana

You are referring to wanting the subtask show up in the relevant section in the project, correct?
If so then this does not work with rules at the moment. Subtasks do not belong to the project per se. You‘d have to add them manually at this stage.

I hope that helps

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You can add project(s)/section(s) to subtasks specified in Rule actions.

Next to the subtask row, click the edit (pencil) icon, then on the next screen type Tab+P to open the Add to project field. After adding to a project, the dropdown for existing sections appears for selection.

Hope that helps,


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Oh right thanks @lpb! I seemed to have shared the right link that even has screenshots showing this, not sure why I wrote it the other way.

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Thanks for your replies guys.

I think i probably need to do a full post with screenshots on how i have my asana set up.

What i have found is, if i create a task and assign it to a staff member. It doesnt show in their My Tasks.
If i create a task, then create a subtask and assign the subtask to the staff member. It DOES show up under their my tasks.

Im currently absolutely loving it, nearing the end of trial period so im keen to make sure its working 100% right for us and its so close. I just think i may not be using it in the most efficient manner!

Thanks for all the help so far its much appreciated.

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Thanks for the nice comments, @Max_Middleton.

I’ve never seen this happen, so if you have followed the troubleshooting steps and can document with a video, then report to
