Automatically Adding Task Collaborators via Asana Forms

+1 on this request. This simple piece of automation is something that is holding our org back from full adoption. If the form submitter has identified themselves by email, why not enable adding them as a collaborator through that email?

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+1 on this matter



Another +1, this seems like a simple add and an easy win. Our team needs to be able to quickly get updates on tasks submitted without being manually added. Without this feature, it begins to defeat the purpose of having a form at all.



We desperately need this feature please! We have a team of over 600 people, who are all using multiple forms every single day. We love forms so much, and have over 40 different types of forms that people use on a daily basis (logging tech requests, learner issues, content queries, etc). It’s really frustrating for the submitter to need to go and search for where the form lands, just to add themselves as a collaborator. It’s also frustrating for the receiver to need to manually do this. Would love an update on this request :slight_smile:


Yes please add this feature! does this


The community is STILL WAITING on this feature.



From the Asana help:

If the submitter is in Asana, you can add them as a task follower. If they are not in Asana, and you’d like them to follow along, you can send them an invite to join you in Asana.

Seems like the feature exists in the help, but not in the actual forms.

+1 for this feature!


Still waiting on this feature. It should be a no brainer for Asana.

It creates so much havoc and issues without it, as we have multiple clients using our design forms, with hnundres of breifs a month. And we have to go through manually on each job and add them as a contributor.

If we forget, we either have to be emailed outsid eof asana to request access, OR thats another project that gets forgotten about and falls into the pile of debris.

PLEASE ASANA bring this in!! Don’t understand why it still isnt added!


Pleeeeeeeeeeaase add this

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I would like this to have two options:

  1. Default collaborators per form. So if I want my two backups to be automatically assigned as collaborators.

  2. Allow the submitter to pick (additional) collaborators. This way if they need someone else in the loop, they will be notified.

Once collaborators are added, then it would be nice if when the form is submitted, that the collaborators also get notified in the INBOX as well as by email (if they are setup to receive those notifications).

It would also be super useful for the submitter to be automatically added as a collaborator so they can track the progress in their request.


Hi @Andrés_Barraza and welcome to the forum,

You can vote for that feature request here:

And FYI, that capability is available now via our Flowsana integration:

Hi there, is this a teaser? when will this be released please it is so needed.