Adding teams to portfolios

I don’t see what seems to be the correct answer here: Create the project on the TEAM page, then it is assigned to the team. I don’t see an option to add teams to a project, or add an existing project to a team. It seems, however, that if you create the project on the team page, everyone in the team has access.

@Lance_Alder - team-level sharing of projects is now enabled for some accounts (it’s a very recent development that I believe is still being rolled out); see this post for some info (full public announcement is to come, I believe):


I found that if you select your top task, scroll down to your last task and click while pushing SHIFT on the keyboard, you will select all tasks. A popup will appear at the bottom of the screen. You want to select the 3 dots and select “Add Collaborators”. This will allow you to add multiple people to a task/project at one time.

Welcome, @McKenna_Staudenmayer,

That’s a good way to add multiple collaborators to a task, but this thread is about adding multiple members to projects and portfolios which requires a different solution.



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Adding teams to portfolios will make onboarding a lot easier. Especially when you have multiple/nested portfolio’s in a team.

Now every time a new team member join you need to add them to each portfolio. Would be a lot easier if you can connect the team as an entity, preferably multiple teams like with the Team Sharing @Stephen_Li mentioned.

I took the liberty to rename the thread as adding teams to projects is already implemented.


My org uses the portfolio feature to collect bi-weekly updates from project managers that will feed into our MBR. There is a single portfolio where each manager adds the projects on which they’re working. My team specifically has 7 projects, so you can imagine it’s far easier to add those 7 projects to our own portfolio, then update the status of and add our portfolio to the broader team’s.

Projects can be shared to individuals, your team, or your entire network. Portfolios can only be shared to individuals or publicly within your company. I would like to see a function that would allow us to share portfolios to our team so that they have access to status updates. Currently, I’m having to update each project individually and then collate the updates into a Portfolio update. This is a huge time-suck and would be fixed by allowing portfolios to be shared with teams, not just specific individuals or the whole company.


+1 to this feature request. I have tried to use a group email alias but has not been able to make it work. Adding dozens of people for each portfolio just so they can get status updates is painful.

Looking to assign portfolios to teams, not individual users… anyone know how?

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Welcome, @anon42455831,

I’ve merged your post into a thread with the same request so now you can click the title to scroll to the top and then click the purple Vote button.



+1 for this!

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+1 to this request.
For large scape portfolio management, I need to give access to a portfolio through a team and not have to manage portfolio access individually.

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This would be a much more scalable solution for when new team members start. Granting access to a team and a portfolio (and thus all projects within) would simplify granted access to relevant historical and in-flight projects.

+1 Please release this feature :pray: this is much more important to me than portfolio rules or automations. It feels unfinished or like an oversight to this feature. We should be able to search and easily add a team to portfolios, exactly as we can with projects.


+1, this is an essential feature!

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@anon40600578 I merged your topic to this one. All votes have been transferred.