Add space after tagging teammate or project

Hey there!

User Story:
As a user that is making a comment or tagging a teammate, I want to have an automatic space put in after the teammate’s name so that I can continue to type quickly and in an organic way rather than having to currently @teammate > find team > hit enter > hit space.

Current Issue:
When I go to tag someone “@”, hit the arrows to find their name, and hit [enter] the cursor re-appears right after the teammate’s name (i.e. “Bob”)

Desired Outcome:
Rather than it showing up right after the “b” it would be awesome if there was an automatic space that showed up (i.e. "Bob ").

This way I can hit enter and continue typing immediately after… whereas now I forget this 50% of the time and find myself having to erase what I’ve typed or go to the mouse in order to go back and create a space.

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us @anon37606610! I see what you mean, when you hit enter to tag someone, the cursor is placed after the user’s name and you need to press space to continue writing. We don’t have plans to implement this feature in the near term but I’ll keep you posted if I have any news :slight_smile:

Often when I use @reference I need to type another character, sometimes a comma, directly afterward, so this request would upset my workflow.

And if you look at the exclamation mark in the post above by @Emily_Roman, or my usage a couple words back, both would be ill-served by this request.

