About Dashboard deprecation

I don’t know if it helps anyone but to compensate for Dashboards going, I’ve set up a project to capture a lot of the same information. It’s pretty straightforward, with each task representing a project, the project owner and the start/due dates. I’ve added custom fields for things like project status (red, green or amber), development stage (in development or live), overall costs and time spent:

It requires a manual update from all project owners at the end of each month, but so did dashboards; instead of clicking on the Progress tab in their individual projects, everyone posts their updates in the this new project. So far, it’s capturing almost everything that we used to track through dashboards, apart from % complete, which was never really useful to us anyway.

I have this project automatically synced to Google Sheets, which then feeds into a Power BI report that turns it all into tables and charts for the management team.

I’m as disappointed as anyone about Dashboards going, but I’ve found a way around it, and hopefully some of you can do the same.