Bump. A small thing. Very annoying
BUMP. This is frustratingly small detail that has outsized consequence on workflow.
We love ASANA, our team is “in” but misses the ability to zoom in and out on an attached image. Like a magnifying and reducing tool similar to what they used to review images / PDF’s in Microsoft Teams or Adobe.
Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Scott_Morrell and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us! We already have a thread on this topic (Ability to zoom in on attached images) so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post in this topic to gather all feedback in one place. I don’t have any update on this topic right now, but i’ll make sure to keep you posted here as soon as I do!
Also finding this very frustrating and looking for a solution. With many images attached within a task the thumbnail becomes tiny and useless, and there is no way to zoom in without downloading.
How this hasn’t been fixed yet is mind boggling.
When viewing a pdf in the feedback window, you cannot see the entire piece if it is a wider document. There’s no way to scroll to the left or right when it is beyond a certain width. Therefore, I can’t even view the document as a whole without downloading the document and then going back into the tool and adding comments. Why not have a magnifying glass and a scroll bar that spans the entire width of a document? Super worthless tool.
Hi @anon12720400, welcome to the forum and thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us.
We already have a feature request related to this topic. I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with Ability to zoom in on attached images to centralize feedback. We’ll make sure to update the main request as soon as we have news about this feature.
We utilize Proofing for images and PDFs almost daily, and the ability to zoom in and out of the file would be of great benefit as the material we are reviewing is often very detailed.
Any update here? It’s difficult to impossible to review/annotate tall screenshots without being able to zoom in to see the content.
Very frustrating not to be able to easily zoom on images and PDFs when opened in Asana. Hopefully this can be resolved soon.
No update so far but I have a workaround that might help. If you’re using chrome get the imagus extension. It will automatically zoom the opened image to fill the window when you hover over it. “E” and “R” rotate the image and if you need more zoom just hit “Z” and then +/- will zoom you in and out. Its not elegant to have to add a 3rd party solution but its all I’ve been able to come up with.
I would be great to have the possibility to zoom in and out of the pictures, on cards. We are a design team and this feature seems absolutely essential.
Many THX!
Thanks for your feedback, @Loci_Alvegi! I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the main thread to consolidate feedback. We’ll make sure to post any updates as soon as we have any news!
Any updates on this one? I have had a lot of designers and clients have issues with this with approvals and reviews.
There’s a huge potential for the Feedback feature connected to the image uploads to tasks.
That being said, the small tweak that will enable reaching this potential is adding a ‘Zoom’ feature to help to add feedback in the accurate places for different image sizes.
The main issue we are facing is that when uploading a printscreen of a mobile layout it’s too small to work on and run the QA cycle on.
I hope this makes sense for you as well.
Hi @Aviv_Farhi!
Thanks for this feedback! We do already have an existing thread for this so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with that one to keep all feedback together
It would be super helpful to have a built-in scale to zoom in and out on picture attachments on tasks, rather than having to use the browser’s zoom function.
Thanks for your feedback, @anon70070178! I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing thread to consolidate feedback.