Ability to see all "Links" attached to a project like you can see all "files" attached to a project

The functionality of being able to click “more” and “files” to see all files attached to a project is wonderful but I will like to be able to do the exact same thing but have it list all links that have been attached or pasted into comments. The reason I would like this is because we virtually collaborate on web hosted documents (dropbox, sharepoint) that are constantly changing and if we attache the file to Asana it is a static file that doesn’t auto update. Any other ways people work around this issue?

Welcome to the Forum @anon45740047 and thank you for sharing your feedback with us. I can definitely see how useful it would be for you!

I don’t believe this in our near-term plans, but I’ll make sure to keep you posted as soon as I hear anything on my end!

Have a great weekend!