Ability to Search Comments

How do you do that?

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comments in tasks/conversations are collapsed and you have to expand them by clicking on the blue link called (More Comments), the link appears on the top of most recent comments.
Asana search should bring text in tasks & conversations, also keep in mind that Asana search engine only deals with the given word as Match Case, E.g. you mistakenly typed widge instead of widget, in such case asana will not return any results unless you typed widge by mistake in a task or conversation. This is really not a solution and asana should fix their search/indexing/ocr to be in competition with slack search or at least as Basecamp etc…


I 100% agree with this. It would be saving me SO much time if comments were indexed + searchable.


Very limiting to not have searchable comments. people asking for this since 2017… come on Asana… you guys are constantly releasing new features… where’s this on the backlog list?


Yes, it is quite crazy to not be able to search in comments for a project/task. Now back to looking for that needle in the haystack!


Just googled if Asana had this feature but apparently (still) not.

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Wow - this has been open since 2017. That doesn’t give me much hope. I’m using Asana to track meeting notes but never imagined those notes would not be searchable until I needed to search them. Not sure if I can dump all of my data or not → that’s next up assuming Asana is not going to add this feature soon.


Discovery! If you right click on the three dots above the task list on a project you can select “Search this Project.” That search searches the comments for the project. An extra step, but maybe this helps someone out here.

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The search is and has been working on comments for a long time now, @Marie can you confirm? you can’t search only on comments though.

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search certainly doesn’t find anything in comments, it’s a pain

It definitely does. I just tried again and found a task based on a piece of comment I pasted in the search.

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I can confirm too that it works

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Agree, our team is currently evaluating the use of Asana for our team meetings and having the ability to search by a key word from the task description was one of the features it lacks compare to Google Docs that we used to use.

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So have you seen any improvements to search? One glaring issue is that search on web searches all comments but on the ios app it can’t do the same!

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The ability to search comments and in the Description would be really helpful for my small business. I often input recurring action items in the Description. I am aware I can search for it on the desktop version, but not having the ability to search for keywords through the app is limiting.

We would very much like the ability to search comments on the mobile app. It seems to work on the desktop app, so we started using it in our workflow, then realized the mobile app doesn’t have the same functionality. Which was a bummer, not sure what we’ll do next.

Please make comment info searchable on the mobile app, thanks so much!