Ability to extract the information from the 'Project Status Update' into an excel file

I’ll like to know how I can extract in separate cells the different values I get for:
What’s accomplished
What’s blocked
Next steps
Thank you!

I meant in an excel file :slight_smile:

@anon41973968 :wave: Welcome to the community!
This is not possible at this moment, but it is a good question. I just talked with another client about the ability to extract this date to send via email to stakeholders outside of asana.

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Thanks for sharing your feedback with us! I’ve gone ahead and moved the thread to our #product-feedback to allow more users to upvote. Hopefully we can implement this in the future :slight_smile:

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Is status update accessible via the Asana API?

This should get you started: https://developers.asana.com/docs/status-updates
