Ability to edit form submissions

Hi! We use Asana Forms for our marketing request system. Would be awesome if folks who are requesting projects could edit their submissions should info change. I know this was a topic in 2020. Is this a feature or will it be a feature in the future? Thanks!

Previous thread: https://forum.asana.com/t/forms-use-forms-to-edit-a-prior-submission-for-example-make-changes-on-the-answer/9011

Hi @Kat11 , welcome to the forum :smiley:
I couldn’t open your link to the post you mention, but you’ll be happy to know that this feature is now available - you can add the submitter as a collaborator as long as they are in your org!
Have a look at this: Create Forms in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

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Thanks @Richard_Sather! Do they need to have an Asana account?

Yes, Asana accounts using your organisation’s seats, i.e. people that use your company’s email to log into Asana.
The Form’s settings menu will only make this option available once you select ‘Organisation only’ from the ‘Select who can access’ dropdown options.

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