Ability to disable pop up notifications when creating/copying/deleting a project or task

coming up on six years…

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This issue is infuriating!

My colleagues also ask me how they can deactivate the pop-up notifications because they can’t continue working during this time. Please work on a solution @asana.

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Please implement this feature to turn off the pop-up notifications, it makes me not want to check things off because it is so frustrating.

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I can’t believe it’s been this long and there still isn’t an option to turn these off…
The CSS workarounds don’t work for me, as I use the desktop app.

The number of years this has been an issue - and the number of people who have voiced their displeasure with the current system - don’t give me a lot of confidence in Asana long-term, honestly.


Please vote on this - it is so annoying

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I agree. They clearly don’t care.

Dear god please add a preference to disable these pop-ups! They aggressively break the flow of what I’m trying to do, covering up the things I’m trying to click on in quick sequence.

I found this custom .css to work to hide the pop-ups:

display: none;

The CSS-injecting chrome extension I’m using to do this is here:


Updating this for anyone that may need it after recent update broke the previous script. This works as of Sep 17th, 2024 with TamperMonkey - it moves the Toasts to the right side of the screen:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Asana to Toasts to the Right 10-17-24
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2024-10-17
// @description Stupid Toasts to the right
// @author You
// @match app.asana.com/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
‘use strict’;

// Wait until the document is fully loaded
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
    // Use querySelector to find the toast manager element
    var manager = document.querySelector('.ToastStateManager-groups');

    // If the element is found, apply the changes
    if (manager) {
        manager.style.left = 'auto'; // Remove left positioning
        manager.style.right = '0px'; // Set right positioning


Hey Asana,

Any update on this feature? It looks like it was added to the product backlog 6 years ago, but there are similar questions still being asked about this issue. It makes it really difficult to see my to-do list with all of the notifications popping up!


Hello! Any update on this? I create multiple tasks daily and my sidebar fills up pretty quickly which hides my ability to keep creating more using a template. I have to manually click the X to remove the ones blocking my view.

6 years running and not a peep from Asana.
Looks like we’re stuck with these trash pop ups. :roll_eyes:

Upvoted. Please sort this, the pop-ups are very distracting and for the most part unnecessary.