Ability to add co-workers as guests

We want to be able to add co-workers with the same email domain as guests, instead of counting against our number of users. Currently, product functionality only allows outside emails to be added as guests.

Our non-profit marketing team is small, only 3 people. We’ve started using Asana to track all marketing requests from other departments and programs. As a non-profit, we have limited number of users due to budgetary concerns. A great deal of our staff works with animals/the public primarily, and wouldn’t have a need for Asana as a user.

However, there is benefit to having staff that submits requests to be able to check-in/track the progress of their request, without coming to our marketing team to always follow-up.

Additionally, adding hourly employees’ personal emails to Asana could create concern for HR.

Currently we don’t have any workarounds, other than letting employees follow-up with us in-person or via email. This can be time-consuming and distracting.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Add User with Same Domain as Guest