I use the @mention function all the time, it’s always had the effect I’ve intended (other than sometimes I’d like to @mention tags). I’m guessing your issue isn’t functional however, but practical?
My team is barely getting started with managing our projects at a higher level. I’ve started out by linking to my working project (where a project’s actual work is done) from tasks in my management project (where each task represents an actual Asana project). I do this link with an @mention to the working project. Going in the other direction, from the working project to the management project is a bit less clear. You could @mention from the working project’s description, it shows up for List Projects, but if it’s displayed anywhere on a Board Project I’m missing it. I’ve been experimenting with a housekeeping task in the working project that serves a higher purpose.
Example (This is kind of where I think we’re headed):
The Project Management project has a task in it for Project: Add Stuff to the Thingy
To help with searching and @mentioning tasks, I add “Project:” to the beginning of these project level tasks so they stand apart from normal tasks. Inside the task you can see I’ve added stuff to the task’s description that tracks some basic info about the project as a whole.:
I could use tags for some of those description items, I haven’t decided because we’re doing that already and they’re not that helpful visually from the board view unless you hover. So I’m considering changing tags in this project to indicate an overall status like the red/yellow/green circles on a project’s Dashboard.
Priority we plan to handle by the order within our Backlog column.
I don’t think we’ll assign an owner to these project tasks because projects generally involve multiple people and this is for management purposes only. We’ll show the Backlog column to people in planning meetings. We’ll go through the Blocked column to identify issues. The task comments will have status updates, which I’ll explain more shortly.
Also, the link in the screenshot above for “Project: Add Stuff to Thingy” is an @mention to the actual project. Clicking it takes me to the working project:
This is where all the actual work to “add the stuff” will occur.
But I still don’t have a way back to Project Management from Add Stuff to Thingy. Also, because we’re on the free version of Asana and have many projects, we don’t have a decent way to centralize statuses given our team’s Dashboard can only have 3 projects on it. My idea for this was to create a recurring task in each working project and assign it to someone (a project lead) to provide a weekly status back up to the Project Management board:
Now each ongoing project has some items built in that I like a bit better than the Dashboard. I can control when the status reports are due. We can iterate on the process if we don’t like some aspect of it. I’ll miss the Dashboard graph a bit, but I think we can make that up.
I threw these dummy projects together this afternoon to test this out as it’s basically one of my tasks at the moment to come up with something. I’m definitely interested in any feedback and hopefully this might answer some of your concerns, Josh.
Let me know if you have questions.