A lot of freelancers looking for Premium (including me) can we share the expense

There are a lot of us who are not prepared to pay the steep fee for premium membership when we are a business of only one user.

So I was wondering if there is a way that we can share the expense. I havent got a clue how to do this so am seeking feedback/ideas.

Any thoughts?

Hi Graeme, agree. I see professionals working solo regularly comment about this on Asana blog subjects, especially with new useful premium features coming up al the time, but it seems their comments are either ignored or immediately shut down. In the UK alone 62.7% of businesses were registered as sole traders, I’m not sure why Asana are intent on dismissing such a chunk of the business market. It is a fantastic product, yet, as someone working alone, having to pay for 5 people to use it alone seems quite unbalanced. However there might be a solution I would certainly be up for it.